Toru Hayashi is an unremarkable bachelor who lives with his mother, until one day a young woman named Rumi moves in in the apartment upstairs. Rumi is a self-proclaimed master thief, but she needs socially awkward Toru's help to actually kickstart her so-called career.
Directed by: | Makoto Wada |
Written by: | Makoto Wada |
Release date: | 1988-11-12 |
Runtime: | 96 minutes |
Kyoko Koizumi
Rumi Kato
Rumi Kato
Hiroyuki Sanada
Toru Hayashi
Toru Hayashi
Taisaku Akino
Manami Fuji
Apartment Housewife
Apartment Housewife
Hiroko Isayama
Old Woman at Toru's Company
Old Woman at Toru's Company
Takanori Jinnai
Rumi's Friend
Rumi's Friend
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Blu-rays, DVDs & more eBay affliate link Art of the Movies Buy posters on We may receive a small commission if you buy via on of these links.