Jeder schreibt für sich allein 2023


In 2020, the author Anatol Regnier published Jeder schreibt für sich allein, a book that examines the life and work of writers in Nazi Germany. In collaboration with Regnier, Dominik Graf, Constantin Lieband, and Felix von Boehm have adapted this book into a polyphonic essay film of the same name – almost three hours in duration – that takes a meticulous look at the contradictory biographies of Hans Fallada, Gottfried Benn, Erich Kästner, Ina Seidel and Will Vesper.

Directed by: Dominik Graf
Written by: Dominik Graf & Constantin Lieb & Anatol Regnier
Release date: 2023-08-24
Runtime: 169 minutes
Anatol Regnier
Anatol Regnier
Florian Illies
Florian Illies
Julia Voss
Julia Voss
IMDb Jeder schreibt für sich allein movie stills
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Also known as:
  • Melting Ink