Critics score:
64 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: "Jamon Jamon" is not quite pop art, and it's not surprising or witty enough to work as satire. It's on a wavelength not easy to tune in. Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews: Although possessing a biting wit and excellent sense of the offbeat, too much of Jamon, Jamon follows obvious paths. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: A movie that combines lurid melodrama with vast improbabilities, sexy soap opera with heartfelt romance, and cheerful satire with heedless raunch. Read more

Geoff Andrew, Time Out: The sex scenes are so bizarre as to be parodic and it all looks terribly ugly. But wonderful vignettes of rural life, and a terrific performance from Pablito the piglet. Ham indeed. Read more

Rita Kempley, Washington Post: A coarse muddle of melodrama, romance and cautionary tale, the film is chiefly a tribute to throbbing Latin manhood, as cretinous and sophomoric as it is pretentiously surreal. Read more