Jagoo tells the heart-wrenching story of a 10-year-old girl named Shruti, who must take the train to school every day. One day, while on the train, Shruti is attacked and raped by drug addicts. The entire town is absolutely stunned by this brutal act. Traumatized by her ordeal, Shruti clings to life while her parents, Srikant and Shraddha, grieve and hope for her survival. Everyone wants the perpetrators caught, but can they be found?
Release date: | 2004-02-06 |
Runtime: | 122 minutes |
Sanjay Kapoor
Shrikant Varma
Shrikant Varma
Raveena Tandon
Mrs. Shradha Varma
Mrs. Shradha Varma
Manoj Bajpayee
Inspector Kripa Shankar Thakur
Inspector Kripa Shankar Thakur
Hansika Motwani
Child artist (Shruti)
Child artist (Shruti)
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