Classic British comedy following an accident-prone army Private, played by music hall legend Frank Randle in his final screen role, as he attempts to rescue a Corporal (played by icon Diana Dors) from the attentions of a predatory Sergeant-Major.
Directed by: | John E. Blakeley |
Written by: | H.F. Maltby & Frank Randle |
Runtime: | 102 minutes |
Frank Randle
Pvt. Randle
Pvt. Randle
Diana Dors
Cpl. Paula Clements
Cpl. Paula Clements
Dan Young
Pvt. Young
Pvt. Young
Michael Brennan
Sgt. Maj. O'Reilly
Sgt. Maj. O'Reilly
Jennifer Jayne
Pvt. Desmond
Pvt. Desmond
John Blythe
Pvt. Philip Green
Pvt. Philip Green
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