Follows the life of Native Canadian Saul Indian Horse as he survives residential school and life amongst the racism of the 1970s. A talented hockey player, Saul must find his own path as he battles stereotypes and alcoholism.

Directed by: Stephen S. Campanelli
Written by: Dennis Foon
Release date: 2018-04-13
Runtime: 96 minutes
Tagline: You have the gift. You have the vision.
Martin Donovan Martin Donovan
Jack Lanahan 
Michiel Huisman Michiel Huisman
Father Gaston 
Michael Murphy Michael Murphy
Father Quinney 
Forrest Goodluck Forrest Goodluck
Saul (15 years) 
Jill Frappier Jill Frappier
Sister Sara 
Johnny Issaluk Johnny Issaluk
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Also known as:
  • Cheval Indien