Kiichi Nakajima, an elderly foundry owner, is convinced that Japan will be affected by an imminent nuclear war, and resolves to move his family to safety in Brazil. His family decides to have him ruled incompetent and Dr. Harada, a Domestic Court counselor, attempts to arbitrate.

Directed by: Akira Kurosawa
Written by: Hideo Oguni & Shinobu Hashimoto
Runtime: 103 minutes
Critics score:
Toshirō Mifune Toshirō Mifune
Kiichi Nakajima 
Minoru Chiaki Minoru Chiaki
Jiro Nakajima 
Takashi Shimura Takashi Shimura
Domestic Court Counselor Dr. Harada 
Kamatari Fujiwara Kamatari Fujiwara
Bokuzen Hidari Bokuzen Hidari
Nobuo Nakamura Nobuo Nakamura
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Also known as:
  • I Live in Fear
  • Bilanz eines Lebens
  • Chronique d'un être vivant
  • Ein Leben in Furcht
  • Record of a Living Being
  • Si les oiseaux savaient
  • What the Birds Knew