Húsz óra 1965


A crusading newspaper reporter covers the Soviet invasion of Hungary in 1956. Initially critical of the communists, the feature later espouses the virtues of the social changes implemented since the invasion. The title refers to the period of time the reporter spent interviewing witnesses to the invasion.

Directed by: Zoltán Fábri
Written by: Yvette Biro & Miklós Köllő
Runtime: 110 minutes
Antal Páger
Antal Páger
János Görbe
János Görbe
Antal Balogh 
Keres Emil
Keres Emil
Ádám Szirtes
Ádám Szirtes
Béni Kocsis 
László György
László György
Sándor Varga 
László Bánhidi
László Bánhidi
Sándor Varga aged 
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Also known as:
  • Twenty Hours