Based on a true story, "House On The Hill" is a true crime melodrama with strong horror elements, chronicling the outrageous 1980s murder spree of serial killer Leonard Lake, who would target, kidnap, rob and kill people - and even whole families. Sonia, the only survivor of Lake's killing spree, teams up with a private investigator to help him locate a woman who disappeared into Lake's compound. In the process, Sonia recounts the horrors of the house, where Lake and his accomplice would force her to videotape the killings.
Directed by: | Jeff Frentzen |
Written by: | Jeff Frentzen & Nicole Marie Polec |
Release date: | 2012-05-11 |
Runtime: | 85 minutes |
Tagline: | No one gets out alive |
Naidra Dawn Thomson
Shannon Leade
Stephen A.F. Day
Leonard Lake
Leonard Lake
Sam Leung
Charles Ng
Charles Ng
Laura Hofrichter
Sara (as Laura Leigh)
Sara (as Laura Leigh)
Kevin McCloskey
Paul Kale
Paul Kale
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Also known as:
- House on the Hill - Der San Francisco Serienkiller
- House On The Hill - Keiner kommt lebendig raus