When grocers's son Daantje Pieters is drafted, he falls for a girl in a blue hat he spots aboard the train to the garrison. At the barracks in The Hague, crafty conman Toontje takes Daantje under his wing. Toontje decides to help him look for his dream girl, but draws the line at them planning an engagement — for such things are not for soldiers.

Directed by: Rudolf Meinert
Written by: Alex de Haas & Will Tuschinski
Runtime: 109 minutes
Roland Varno Roland Varno
Lou Bandy Lou Bandy
Adriënne Solser Adriënne Solser
Juffrouw Pieters 
Truus van Aalten Truus van Aalten
Hein Harms Hein Harms
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Also known as:
  • The Girl in the Blue Hat
  • In de mobilisatietijd