Ali, a fisherman, devoted his life to his young son, Efe. Efe was the only son of Ali who was in this life. Efe is different from other children. Efe, who has a communication problem, is not a child who can laugh and play and react to what he hears. As Ali tries to bond with his son, he runs into many barriers in communtion with him, and Ali's greatest wish is to know that his son understands him. The plot evolves around a father who loves his son dearly but going thru many struggles to create communication channels with his who carries the burden of the memories of his father, his mother and the woman he loves, will shape the life of both.

Directed by: Bora Egemen
Written by: Fırat Parlak
Release date: 2018-02-16
Runtime: 106 minutes
Sezai Aydın Sezai Aydın
Büşra Develi Büşra Develi
Alihan Türkdemir Alihan Türkdemir
Yücel Erten Yücel Erten
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