Critics score:
35 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: It's more cheerful than funny, and so insistently ungrudging about Americans and Japanese alike that its satire cuts like a wet sponge. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: A disappointment, a movie in which the Japanese are mostly used for the mechanical requirements of the plot, and the Americans are constructed from durable but boring stereotypes. Read more

Richard Corliss, TIME Magazine: Its tone swings violently from pratfall to preachment, from an indictment of featherbed laziness to an extended beer-commercial celebration of the mythical American worker. Read more

Derek Adams, Time Out: The hero, though funny, is ultimately unsympathetic, securing through his cosy pacts nobody's position but his own, while the upbeat ending justifies strike-breaking. With comrades like this, who needs class enemies? Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Drawn from real life, the conflict between cultures is good for both a laugh and a sober thought along the way. Read more