Gospel Hill tells the intersecting story of two men in the fictional South Carolina town of Julia. Danny Glover plays John Malcolm, the son of a slain civil rights activist. Jack Herrod (Tom Bower) is the former sheriff who never got to the bottom of the murder. Their paths begin to cross when a development corporation comes to town with plans to raze Julia's historic Gospel Hill.

Directed by: Giancarlo Esposito
Written by: Jeffrey Pratt Gordon & Terrell Tannen & Jeff Stacy
Release date: 2008-02-09
Runtime: 99 minutes
Critics score:
Samuel L. Jackson Samuel L. Jackson
Paul Malcolm 
Taylor Kitsch Taylor Kitsch
Joel Herrod 
Julia Stiles Julia Stiles
Angela Bassett Angela Bassett
Sarah Malcolm 
Danny Glover Danny Glover
John Malcolm 
Adam Baldwin Adam Baldwin
Carl Herrod 
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