In a packed courtroom, Butch Long vows revenge on 'squealers' Laurel and Hardy whose evidence has helped to send him to prison. Frightened, the boys plan to leave town and advertise for someone to share expenses with them. The woman who answers the ad is actually Butch's girlfriend. Meanwhile Butch escapes and hides in a trunk in his girlfriend's apartment where he gets locked inside. Not realizing who it is, Stan and Ollie finally manage to get the trunk open and then Butch exacts his revenge.

Directed by: Charley Rogers
Written by: Stan Laurel & Charley Rogers & Frank Terry
Runtime: 21 minutes
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Also known as:
  • Laurel und Hardy - Der grosse Fang
  • Der große Fang
  • Gøg og Gokke på flugt
  • Gøg og Gokke tager benene på nakken
  • Gangsteren i kufferten
  • Les Jambes au Cou