Follow the infamous ninja bandit named Ishikawa Goemon (Yosuke Eguchi) in an epic story. One night while looting treasure from Nanban (Southern Barbarians), Goemon finds a mysterious box hidden inside a secret grave. A forgotten relic from the past containing untold powers.
Directed by: | Kazuaki Kiriya |
Written by: | Kazuaki Kiriya |
Release date: | 2009-03-17 |
Runtime: | 128 minutes |
Yosuke Eguchi
Goemon Ishikawa
Goemon Ishikawa
Ryoko Hirosue
Chacha Asai
Chacha Asai
Takao Osawa
Saizo Kirigakure
Saizo Kirigakure
Jun Kaname
Mitsunari Ishida
Mitsunari Ishida
Mikijiro Hira
Rikyu Sen
Rikyu Sen
Masatô Ibu
Ieyasu Tokugawa
Ieyasu Tokugawa
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Also known as:
- Goemon - Die Legende des Ninja Kriegers
- The Legend of Goemon