After months of living a solitary existence, Lenny, 34, picks up his kids from school. Every year he spends a couple of weeks with his sons Sage, 9, and Frey, 7. Lenny hosts his kids within a midtown studio apartment in New York. During these two weeks, he must figure out if he wants to act as their father or be their friend. Ultimately, their trip upstate results in complete lawlessness taking over their lives.

Directed by: Josh Safdie & Benny Safdie
Written by: Josh Safdie & Benny Safdie & Ronald Bronstein
Release date: 2010-04-28
Runtime: 99 minutes
Abel Ferrara Abel Ferrara
Josh Safdie Josh Safdie
Dakota Goldhor Dakota Goldhor
Van Neistat Van Neistat
Boat Driver 
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Also known as:
  • Lenny and the Kids