In this satire inspired by Nikolai Gogol’s The Government Inspector (aka The Inspector General) and transported to fascist era Italy, the (supposed) incognito visit of a Roman fascist official to a tiny country town shakes deeply the ruling class and their lack of integrity.

Directed by: Luigi Zampa
Written by: Ettore Scola & Luigi Zampa & Ruggero Maccari
Runtime: 106 minutes
Michèle Mercier Michèle Mercier
Gino Cervi Gino Cervi
Salvatore Acquamano 
Angela Luce Angela Luce
Rosa De Bellis 
Nino Manfredi Nino Manfredi
Omero Battifiori 
Gastone Moschin Gastone Moschin
Carmine Passante 
Mario Passante Mario Passante
commerciante fascista 
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Also known as:
  • Roaring Years
  • Ревущие годы