Set in 1933 during the Japanese colonization of Korea, "Ghost" will be an espionage action film written and directed by Lee Hae-young. It will tell the story of five people suspected of being a mysterious "ghost," a spy for an anti-Japanese resistance group. Trapped inside an isolated hotel, the five characters must use their wits to survive and escape while suspecting one another.
Directed by: | Lee Hae-young |
Written by: | Lee Hae-young |
Release date: | 2023-01-18 |
Runtime: | 133 minutes |
Sul Kyung-gu
Junji Murayama
Junji Murayama
Lee Ha-nee
Park Cha-kyung
Park Cha-kyung
Park So-dam
Yuriko Yoshinaga
Yuriko Yoshinaga
Park Hae-soo
Kaito Takahara
Kaito Takahara
Seo Hyun-woo
Chief Cheon
Chief Cheon
Kim Dong-hee
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Also known as:
- Phantom