Critics score:
95 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Bosley Crowther, New York Times: The sum effect of the presentation is a sense of bleak discomfort and despair, unrelieved by any purge of the emotions. Read more

Dave Kehr, Chicago Reader: To the critics of the time, it seemed that Rossellini had betrayed the tenets of neorealism...It now appears as Rossellini's first mature work, pointing to his masterpieces of the 50s. Read more

David Denby, New Yorker: The colossal rubble of Berlin is not just an analogue to the collapse of the social order but an amazing sight, and the movie makes you feel the weight of every smashed facade and fallen stone. Read more

Don Macpherson, Time Out: A horror movie that declines to tease. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Pic isn't acted but 'lived.' Pro and non-pro cast play it with uniform sincerity. Edmund Meschke is the most impressive of the lot, delivering a poignant, believable portrayal as the young disgraced hero. Read more