Critics score:
80 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Nicole Herrington, New York Times: For a documentary about extreme discipline, the filmmakers lack restraint: the movie, about 20 minutes too long, undercuts much of its own momentum. Read more

Gary Goldstein, Los Angeles Times: Yudin's deft cameras admiringly capture these iconically sculpted men without overly objectifying them, should the prospect of eyeballing all that posing-strapped beef give any potential viewers pause. Read more

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: The oversized men who compete for the title of Mr. Olympia in this illuminating documentary are articulate and serious-minded, with some muscling through adversity to find a way to their dreams. Read more

Ernest Hardy, Village Voice: A gorgeous meditation on age-old existential concerns. Read more

Sean O'Connell, Washington Post: "Iron" opens a window to an exclusive club and gives valuable insight into a small, dedicated and proudly unique community. Read more