Critics score:
54 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Mark Olsen, Los Angeles Times: Do these heartbreaking stories exist in the real world? Yes, yes, they do. Does dramatizing these stories with nothing to add except a certain cruel wallowing in the existence of unspeakable human depravity serve any real purpose? No, no, it does not. Read more

Lou Lumenick, New York Post: Writer-director Jared Harris (and actor and son of the late Richard Harris) claims to have spent 10 years researching this sordid milieu, yet, for all the detail, it ends up playing like an especially lurid '80s TV movie. Read more

Rex Reed, New York Observer: Good acting and sincere direction by Damian Harris act as beacons to light the haunting corridors of an underworld spook house. Read more

Stephen Garrett, Time Out: Read more

Ed Gonzalez, Village Voice: The film never quite recovers from writer-director Damian Harris's dithering way of shooting things. Read more