Entirely silent, with a musical score, sound effects and incoherent mutterings, the story revolves around a weekend gathering at the decaying country home of the eccentric and lewd General Futtock (Ronnie Barker) and the series of saucy mishaps between the staff (Michael Hordern plays the lecherous butler) and his guests.

Directed by: Bob Kellett
Written by: Ronnie Barker
Release date: 1970-02-01
Runtime: 49 minutes
Ronnie Barker Ronnie Barker
Gen. Futtock 
Michael Hordern Michael Hordern
The Butler 
Roger Livesey Roger Livesey
The Artist 
Kika Markham Kika Markham
The Niece 
Mary Merrall Mary Merrall
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Julian Orchard Julian Orchard
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