The 10-year-old Hubert Finn, known as "Fatty", lived in poor conditions in Australia in the 1930s. He and his friends stick together as they often have to defend themselves against the villain Bomer and his gang. Fatty wants a detector radio, but can't afford it. He has to raise money for it within a week, otherwise he won't get the radio ...

Directed by: Maurice Murphy
Written by: Bob Ellis & Chris McGill
Release date: 1980-12-18
Runtime: 91 minutes
Lorraine Bayly Lorraine Bayly
Maggie McGrath 
Noni Hazlehurst Noni Hazlehurst
Myrtle Finn 
Gerard Kennedy Gerard Kennedy
Tiger Murphy 
Rebecca Rigg Rebecca Rigg
Frank Wilson Frank Wilson
Lord Mayor 
Ben Oxenbould Ben Oxenbould
Hubert 'Fatty' Finn 
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