Stephen Holden, New York Times: The screenplay, by Mr. Cooper and Jonathan D. Krane, is so sketchy that it feels like a hastily executed first draft. Read more
Eric Hynes, Time Out: For all its eagerness to please, you'd think Father of Invention could come up with at least one sister of independence. Read more
Anthony Venutolo, Newark Star-Ledger: The film promises a nasty little satire for a while but finally goes soft and self-pitying. Read more
New York Daily News: Like Graham and Madsen, Spacey too often gets lost in smaller projects that aren't worthy of his talents. He, and his costars, deserve a more inventive movie than this one. Read more
Lou Lumenick, New York Post: Highly predictable... Read more
Ronnie Scheib, Variety: Colorless exposition and a lack of imagination or wit stall Father of Invention at the starting gate. Read more
Nick Pinkerton, Village Voice: The rather unappealing character of Axel is indulged with every opportunity for redemption, as Spacey is indulged with every opportunity to showboat. Read more