Critics score:
81 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: Holy smoke! What a pretentious and pedantic production he has made. Read more

Dave Kehr, Chicago Reader: This 1966 film often looks good (it was Truffaut's first in color, photographed by Nicolas Roeg), but the ideas, such as they are, get lost in the meandering narrative. Read more

Time Out: An underrated film, perhaps because it is less science fiction than a tale of 'once upon a time.' Read more

Pauline Kael, The New Republic: Even at the science-fiction horror-story level, the movie fails -- partly, I think, because Truffaut is too much of an artist to exploit the vulgar possibilities in the material. Read more

Variety: With a serious and even terrifying theme, this excursion into science fiction has been thoughtfully directed by Francois Truffaut and there is adequate evidence of light touches to bring welcome and needed relief to a sombre and scarifying subject. Read more