Terrorists hijack a 747 inbound to Washington D.C., demanding the release of their imprisoned leader. Intelligence expert David Grant (Kurt Russell) suspects another reason and he is soon the reluctant member of a special assault team that is assigned to intercept the plane and hijackers.

Directed by: Stuart Baird
Written by: Jim Thomas & John Thomas
Release date: 1996-03-15
Runtime: 132 minutes
Critics score:
Tagline: Five miles above the earth, an elite team of six men must make an air to air transfer, in order to save 400 lives on board a 747...and 40 million below.
Kurt Russell Kurt Russell
David Grant 
Steven Seagal Steven Seagal
Lt. Colonel Austin Travis 
Halle Berry Halle Berry
Oliver Platt Oliver Platt
Joe Morton Joe Morton
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Also known as:
  • Momento crítico
  • Kriitiline otsus
  • Ratkaisun hetket
  • Ordre fra høyeste hold
  • Decisão Crítica
  • Decizie Executiva
  • Konačna odluka
  • Kriticna tocka
  • Einsame Entscheidung - Executive Decision