Hercules goes to Babylon to rescue the Queen of the Hellenes and free the people of Babylon from slavery.

Directed by: Domenico Paolella
Written by: Luciano Martino & Domenico Paolella
Runtime: 96 minutes
Franco Balducci Franco Balducci
Mobsab / Behar - Tanit's Escort 
Arturo Dominici Arturo Dominici
Helga Liné Helga LinĂ©
Taneal / Tanit 
Peter Lupus Peter Lupus
Livio Lorenzon Livio Lorenzon
Salmanassar, Brother of Assur 
Mirko Valentin Mirko Valentin
Behar / Glaucone, Assyrian Commander 
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Also known as:
  • Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon
  • Golia alla conquista di Bagdad