In the United States for the first time, an Indian housewife with a limited command of English turns Manhattan into her personal language school.

Directed by: Gauri Shinde
Written by: Gauri Shinde
Release date: 2012-09-21
Runtime: 134 minutes
Tagline: The first time only happens once.
Sridevi Sridevi
Shashi Godbole 
Adil Hussain Adil Hussain
Satish Godbole 
Mehdi Nebbou Mehdi Nebbou
Laurent, a French cook 
Priya Anand Priya Anand
Navika Kotia Navika Kotia
Shivansh Kotia Shivansh Kotia
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Also known as:
  • Englisch für Anfänger
  • Nyelves-lecke
  • Инглиш-винглиш
  • English Vinglish - Aller Anfang ist schwer