Elpojiet dzili 1967


Cezars Kalnins installs telephones by day and composes pop songs by night. His band has a hard time receiving the permit from Soviet censorship authorities for a public debut. A member of the Culture Committee superficially listens to Cēzars' songs and deems the lyrics "unsuitable and frivolous” and "unfit for the Soviet youth”, and is later powerless to stop the grindstone of public debate, which she has herself initiated.

Directed by: Rolands Kalniņš
Written by: Gunārs Priede
Runtime: 77 minutes
Uldis Pūcītis
Uldis Pūcītis
Līga Liepiņa
Līga Liepiņa
Dina Kuple
Dina Kuple
Anita Sondare 
Arnolds Liniņš
Arnolds Liniņš
Miervaldis Tralmaks 
Pauls Butkevics
Pauls Butkevics
Rostislav Goryayev
Rostislav Goryayev
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Also known as:
  • Četri balti krekli
  • Four White Shirts
  • Hingake sügavalt