Critics score:
77 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Bosley Crowther, New York Times: The fact that Jean Renoir was its director is the ultimate oddity. How this fiasco could have happened is difficult to explain. Read more

Pat Graham, Chicago Reader: The film is ravishing to look at (with Ingrid Bergman radiant at its center), and its mid-80s 35-millimeter restoration is a sumptuous treat indeed. Read more

Scott Tobias, AV Club: Bergman's signature elegance remains the only enduring element of Renoir's light-hearted confection. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: What's interesting is the way that Renoir preserves a strong erotic and romantic thread (the love between Bergman and Ferrer) all the way through the movie's farcical elements. Read more

Time Out: Fantasy, yes, but hardly escapist in the astonishing pertinence with which it reduces the hawkish military and political ambitions of the day to derisory farce while demonstrating the infallibility with which love goes on making the world go round. Read more