A lost film considered one of Japan's first Tokusatsu films. The effects were done by Fuminori Ohashi, who claims to have been a modeling consultant for Godzilla 1954 (this claim is disputed by modeler Eizo Kaimai and art staff member Shinji Hiruma). The film's synopsis published in the March 1938 issue of Kinema Junpo indicates that the "Kong" featured in this film was not actually a giant monster.

Directed by: Sôya Kumagai
Written by: Daijô Aoyama
Runtime: 50 minutes
Eizaburo Matsumoto Eizaburo Matsumoto
Misato Magonojo 
Fuminori Ōhashi Fuminori Ōhashi
Yasutaro Yagi Yasutaro Yagi
Inoue Ginbei 
Reizaburo Ichikawa Reizaburo Ichikawa
Toba Hyoei 
Reiko Mishima Reiko Mishima
Shojiro Ogata Shojiro Ogata
Kuroami the Hunchback 
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Also known as:
  • The King Kong That Appeared in Edo
  • King Kong