Critics score:
71 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

New York Times: Read more

Neil Genzlinger, New York Times: If the film doesn't measure up as a piece of historical scholarship, it does manage to be a rather touching exploration of the troupe's life cycle: achieving notoriety, then being torn apart by fame, then being destroyed by forces beyond its control. Read more

Andrew Schenker, Time Out: Presents a wide-ranging picture of a unique cultural phenomenon, even if subjects like Liza Minnelli too often fall into semiarticulate expressions of hagiographical awe. Read more

Stephen Farber, Hollywood Reporter: Although the film recounts an intriguing slice of social history, it is too haphazard and repetitive to be truly memorable. Read more

Kevin Thomas, Los Angeles Times: "Dzi Croquettes" is both a tribute and a terrific entertainment. Read more

Ernest Hardy, Village Voice: It's the mind-blowing performance footage (and there's lots of it) that makes this a must-see film. Read more