Critics score:
25 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Rachel Saltz, New York Times: Though studied and grating at times, "Drunkboat" does sustain a distinct, odd tone. Like its characters it's dreamily restless and prey to its own quixotic ideas. Read more

John Hartl, Seattle Times: This enigmatic coming-of-age movie often seems destined to sail off the deep end. Yet it rights itself just often enough to keep you watching. Read more

Robert Abele, Los Angeles Times: The burnished smear of Lisa Rinzler's photography is a plus, but "Drunkboat" is ultimately the kind of pet project that never traverses from personal to powerful. Read more

Farran Smith Nehme, New York Post: "Drunkboat" might have come off via nothing more than acting ability and a good heart, if the dialogue didn't amount mostly to aimless chit-chat. Read more

Nick Schager, Village Voice: [An] incoherent drama. Read more