In the emotionally charged, wild and humorous world of sixteen year old James Whitman, his struggle to overcome anxiety and depression involve seeking advice from Dr. Bird - a giant imaginary pigeon therapist.

Directed by: Yaniv Raz
Written by: Yaniv Raz
Release date: 2021-01-12
Runtime: 109 minutes
Tagline: “I am James Whitman. I am light. I am truth. I am might. I am youth.”
Jason Isaacs Jason Isaacs
Tom Wilkinson Tom Wilkinson
Dr. Bird (Voice) 
David Arquette David Arquette
Lucas Jade Zumann Lucas Jade Zumann
James Whitman 
Michael H. Cole Michael H. Cole
Walt Whitman 
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Also known as:
  • Los consejos del doctor Bird para poetas tristes