Critics score:
88 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Vincent Canby, New York Times: Their comic methods are different, but from their first unequal encounter until the very last in a series of twist endings, Mr. Caine and Mr. Martin work together with an exuberant ease that's a joy to watch. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: The chemistry between Martin and Caine is fun, and Headly provides a resilient foil as a woman who looks like a pushover but somehow never seems to topple. Read more

Time Out: There's little enough to keep you occupied as Caine and Martin go through their comic set pieces in workaday fashion while the film moves mechanically from one contrived situation to the next. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: A wonderfully crafted, absolutely charming remake of the 1964 film Bedtime Story. Read more

Hal Hinson, Washington Post: Martin, the most eloquent of physical clowns -- the Baryshnikov of comedy -- is at his most inspired here. He parodies feelings, attitudes, states of mind that one would think were exempt from it, and his caricature of dapper suavity is killingly precise. Read more