Ricki is 15, an apprentice in a supermarket, and admires his older brother Sven, a big shot in Hamburg's red-light district who keeps his head above water with thefts and drug deals. In Ricki's eyes, nobody comes close to his brother. It is only when Sven humiliates Ricki and tries to force him to sleep with a showgirl in front of him that the older brother loses his godlike role model status. Ricki, the “Arschbackenzukneifer”, takes revenge, and Sven will have to suffer badly on his own turf.

Directed by: Klaus Lemke
Written by: Klaus Lemke & Frank Göhre
Release date: 1993-01-28
Runtime: 80 minutes
Marco Heinz Marco Heinz
Andrea Heuer Andrea Heuer
Myriam Zschage Myriam Zschage
Elke Dudaci Elke Dudaci
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