Destination: Rad City 2014


Rick exists in the present, but lives as if his favourite decade, the 1980s, never ended. When his 80s-inspired lifestyle results in him being the laughing stock of his small town, Rick sets out to fulfill his late father's wish to attend Rocklahoma, an 80s-themed music festival in the United States. Getting there proves to be much more difficult than Rick imagined; shady club owners, untrustworthy friends, and a lack of money threaten to crush Rick's dreams, and leave him forever stranded in a town that ostracizes him for being different. To reach Rocklahoma, Rick will be forced to make the most important and potentially heartbreaking decision of his life.

Directed by: Boris Godzinevski & David Hollands
Written by: Boris Godzinevski
Release date: 2014-10-23
Runtime: 90 minutes
Tagline: A 100% Canadian independent production that celebrates the tumultuous decade of the 1980s.
Boris Godzinevski
Boris Godzinevski
Rick Trickanovsky 
Keren Ray
Keren Ray
Vicki Rubinsky 
Paul Gallina
Paul Gallina
Payne Stukkenfaagenburger 
Rocky Paulino
Rocky Paulino
Ryan Treftlin
Ryan Treftlin
Trevor Mereel 
Chris Warren
Chris Warren
Derek McMurphy