It's 1922. A weather observer and his wife live in a remote cabin high in the Swiss Alps. As this drama begins, they are being joined by a third person, an Austrian who coveted the job the Swiss man had won in this bleak location. Not only that, but he also has his eyes on the Swiss man's lovely wife. The Austrian has charm, so he wins some hospitality from the couple. The three live together for a little while, but the rivalry between the two men soon erupts with tragic consequences.

Directed by: Markus Imhoof
Written by: Markus Imhoof & Thomas Hürlimann
Release date: 1990-11-07
Runtime: 98 minutes
Peter Simonischek Peter Simonischek
Agnes Fink Agnes Fink
Manser's mother 
Adolf Laimböck Adolf Laimböck
Jürgen Cziesla Jürgen Cziesla
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Also known as:
  • The Mountain