Der 10. Mai (The Tenth of May) was the date in 1940 that Hitler invaded the Low Countries: Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg. Neutral Switzerland, which hadn't experienced a war since the 14th century, hurriedly fortified its borders with battalions of inexperienced soldiers. The panic, confusion and isolated acts of courage which occurred on that fateful day are re-created in this Swiss docudrama. The story is "personalized" by concentrating on a fugitive German soldier (Heinz Reincke) who falls in love with the Swiss girl (Linda Geiser) who shelters him. Produced on a bare-minimum budget, Der 10. Mai is impressive more for its sincerity and raw energy than for its actual cinematic merits.

Directed by: Franz Schnyder
Written by: Franz Schnyder & Arnold Kübler & William Michael Treichlinger
Runtime: 91 minutes
Heinz Reincke Heinz Reincke
Werner Kramer 
Therese Giehse Therese Giehse
Ida Herz 
Heinrich Gretler Heinrich Gretler
Wachmeister Grimm 
Paulette Dubost Paulette Dubost
Madame Dubois 
Walter Roderer Walter Roderer
Mundharmonika spielender Soldat 
Emil Hegetschweiler Emil Hegetschweiler
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Also known as:
  • Die Angst vor der Gewalt