Critics score:
4 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Roger Moore, Orlando Sentinel: The story: Georgia 'weekend warriors' are shipped off to Iraq and somehow, between Georgia and Fallujah, the plane taking them dumps them into Mexico. No, the screenwriter didn't know how to read a map. Read more

Kyle Smith, New York Post: There are henpecked-husband jokes, gay jokes, turd humor, mispronounced Iraq war terms, guys asking "Who farted?" and lots more Crackel Barrel comedy. Read more

Peter Hartlaub, San Francisco Chronicle: A mindless comedy where the blatant racial stereotypes are outnumbered only by the flatulence jokes. Read more

Steven Hyden, AV Club: Like Paths Of Glory, Apocalypse Now, and Platoon, Delta Farce is a difficult, harrowing work offering little relief or humor. Unlike those movies, though, Delta Farce is supposed to be funny. Read more

Ty Burr, Boston Globe: It's dopey Army comedy in the tradition of Buck Privates and Stripes, just with the sights aimed lower and blissfully unaware of its own monumental tastelessness. Read more

Scott Brown, Entertainment Weekly: Here's a sobering thought: If every war gets the comedy it deserves, could Delta Farce, a strenuously unfunny Three Amigos knockoff, be our M*A*S*H? Read more

Luke Y. Thompson, L.A. Weekly: Even fans of gay-rape jokes are likely to feel burned out by the movie's end. Read more

Jack Mathews, New York Daily News: This is a movie where the villains are the comic relief for the comedians, and where the outtakes at the end are better than the film. Read more

Andy Webster, New York Times: Among the many minorities mocked are Muslims, but perhaps the people most insulted are white Southerners, who presumably are expected to embrace one whopping brain-dead metaphor. Read more

Michael Harris, Globe and Mail: If you're hungry for comical interpretations of an errant war, may I suggest any episode of M*A*S*H -- or, indeed, any episode of Fox News. Read more

Peter Howell, Toronto Star: Even a blind pig digs up the occasional acorn, as the saying goes, and Delta Farce hits a squirrel's banquet in the casting of Danny Trejo as town villain Carlos Santana (cue rock guitarist jokes). Read more

Stephen Garrett, Time Out: If ribbing the U.S. armed forces was considered unpatriotic after 9/11, then Delta Farce proves that discussion of the Iraq War has now officially jumped the shark. Read more

John Anderson, Variety: Delta is likable, though, and both David and Trejo class up the act with their distinct comedic gifts. Read more