Critics score:
82 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Caryn James, New York Times: "Dead Calm" ... becomes disturbing for all the wrong reasons. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: This is not a gimmick film ... and Kidman and Zane do generate real, palpable hatred in their scenes together. Read more

Nigel Floyd, Time Out: A classic piece of pared-down genre film-making is lent extra depth by an emotional subtext stressing Kidman's transition from dependent wife to resourceful individual. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Though not always entirely credible, Dead Calm is a nail-biting suspense pic [from the novel by Charles Williams] handsomely produced and inventively directed. Read more

Desson Thomson, Washington Post: For much of the movie, you're enthralled. By the end, you're laughing. This is not good. Read more

Rita Kempley, Washington Post: [Noyce is] a masterful manipulator, but eventually there is no more wind in these sails, not even enough to riffle a jib, as the story and Rae's character wear thin. Read more