Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes
Caryn James, New York Times: Darkman sustains mild interest throughout, but it never takes off, partly because a real-estate scam, gangland shootouts, city corruption and a love story clutter up the sad story of Westlake's strange mutation. Read more
Jonathan Rosenbaum, Chicago Reader: Raimi's flair for jazzy visual effects and extravagant action sequences, combined with direction that's full of punch and energy, makes this the best pop roller-coaster ride around. Read more
Richard Corliss, TIME Magazine: Raimi isn't effective with his actors, and the dialogue lacks smart menace, but his canny visual sense carries many a scene. Read more
Variety: Despite occasional silliness, Sam Raimi's Darkman has more wit, pathos and visual flamboyance than is usual in contemporary shockers. Read more
Joe Brown, Washington Post: A frenetic funhouse ride that has you laughing and screaming at the same time. Read more
Rita Kempley, Washington Post: A fiendishly stylish journey that links the classics of transfiguration to the terrors of our times. Read more