Survival Devices, Inc are an organisation that employ a team of adventurers known as "the Flying Fish" who are adept in sky diving, scuba diving and martial arts. They are engaged to rescue a captured scientist imprisoned on a Caribbean island by a dictator. The team parachutes off the coast of the island in a HALO jump and establishes an inflatable underwater basecamp in an "Instant Underwater Habitat" or "Igloo".
Directed by: | László Benedek |
Written by: | Andy White |
Runtime: | 100 minutes |
Lloyd Bridges
Vic Powers
Vic Powers
Nico Minardos
Ricardo Balboa
Ricardo Balboa
Michael Ansara
President Eduardo Delgado
President Eduardo Delgado
Joan Blackman
Kathryn Carlyle
Kathryn Carlyle
Marie Gomez
Perry Lopez
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Also known as:
- Commando intrépide
- Die Tollkühnen
- Igloo uno operazione delgado
- The Unkillables