The great King of Dacia, Decebal (Decebalus), is disposed to make the ultimate sacrifice in order to keep the integrity of his people. His own son, Cotyso, is given to the god Zamolxis to the dismay of the King and his daughter Meda. Septimius Severus, a young Roman devoted to his adopted country, must make the choice between his blood origins and the culture he was introduced to.

Directed by: Sergiu Nicolaescu
Written by: Jacques Rémy & Titus Popovici
Runtime: 110 minutes
Pierre Brice Pierre Brice
Septimius Severus 
Georges Marchal Georges Marchal
Fuscus, General Romano 
Amza Pellea Amza Pellea
Mircea Albulescu Mircea Albulescu
Alexandru Herescu Alexandru Herescu
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Also known as:
  • The Dacians
  • Os Guerreiros
  • Der letzte große Sieg der Daker
  • Даките
  • Kampf der Titanen gegen Rom
  • Οι πολεμισταί
  • Dákok
  • I daci
  • Waleczni przeciw rzymskim legionom
  • Besmrtni ratnici