Critics score:
29 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

John Monaghan, Detroit Free Press: The only winners in Dragon Wars are the computer-imaging geeks who must have logged tons of overtime. The rest of the world is left scratching its head at a monster epic so dismal that it doesn't even register as a guilty pleasure. Read more

Wesley Morris, Boston Globe: When they decide to sic [those monsters] on downtown Los Angeles, the movie turns shockingly watchable. Until that sequence, there was no evidence that anybody involved with this laughable fantasy knew what he or she was doing. Read more

Robert Abele, Los Angeles Times: The rampaging-monsters flick Dragon Wars loudly speaks the universal language of effects-laden mayhem. Unfortunately, it is also fluent in the laughable dialogue of a million bad fantasy flicks. Read more

Luke Y. Thompson, L.A. Weekly: This one's for connoisseurs of the "totally preposterous crap" school of fantasy cinema. You know who you are: You have all the Warlock sequels on Laserdisc [and] the complete Leprechaun series on DVD. Read more

Roger Moore, Orlando Sentinel: Read more

Derek Elley, Variety: A feast of A-grade f/x married to a Z-grade, irony-free script. Read more