Critics score:
30 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Janet Maslin, New York Times: The episodes are marginally interesting, but each is a little too long. And each could be fully explained in a one-sentence synopsis. Read more

Pat Graham, Chicago Reader: George Romero contributes the screenplay this time, basing it on some tastefully selected Stephen King morsels. Read more

Time Out: Just as you can't judge a '50s comic book by its lurid cover, so you can't judge a cheapo, three-part film by its sources. Read more

Variety Staff, Variety: Tied together with some humdrum animated sequences, three vignettes on offer obviously were produced on the absolute cheap, and are deficient in imagination and scare quotient. Read more

Richard Harrington, Washington Post: Part of the problem is that King's short stories simply work better in print. Read more