Com os Punhos Cerrados 2014


In Fortaleza, Brazil, Eugenio, Joaquim and João use a clandestine radio to scream their hunger for freedom and revolution. They hack the traditional radio stations, overwhelming them with poetry, rebel music, quotes, sound archives and provocations, attacking the bourgeois and capitalistic society. But one day, Salomé, a mysterious and beautiful listener, crashes into their lives, transforming their destiny.

Directed by: Luiz Pretti & Ricardo Pretti & Pedro Diógenes
Written by: Luiz Pretti & Ricardo Pretti & Pedro Diógenes
Release date: 2014-08-10
Runtime: 74 minutes
Uirá dos Reis
Uirá dos Reis
Pedro Diógenes
Pedro Diógenes
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Also known as:
  • Clenched Fists