Critics score:
28 / 100

Reviews provided by RottenTomatoes

Amy Nicholson, I.E. Weekly: French director Louis Leterrier loves this world. But Clash of the Titans feels like he fought -- and lost -- his own battle for control. Read more

Roger Moore, Orlando Sentinel: There's not much here that will stick with you after the popcorn's gone. But as any ancient Greek could tell you, that's sort of the point. Read more

Michael Phillips, At the Movies: It doesn't add up at all. Read more

James Rocchi, MSN Movies: It's not as if "Clash of the Titans" is some popcorn masterpiece undone by the 3-D manipulations of its parent studio; the clunky script and blockbuster-in-a-box cluttered construction of it are probably just as lifeless in two dimensions. Read more

David Edelstein, New York Magazine/Vulture: It isn't a train wreck -- a train wreck would be memorable. Read more

Joe Morgenstern, Wall Street Journal: Clash of the Titans, which was directed by Louis Letterier, is strictly no-D. Read more

John Hartl, Seattle Times: A slick and empty spectacle much of the time, this Clash has a particularly tough time establishing bonds between characters who are supposed to mean everything to each other. Read more

Keith Phipps, AV Club: Leterrier aims no higher than competence and achieves just that, shepherding a series of slick, CGI creations across the screen to the accompaniment of an organ-rattling sound design. Read more

Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic: So tone deaf to the material is Leterrier that the spirit of the remake owes more to Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen than a sword-and-sandal film. Bigger, louder, more expensive? All that, for sure. But better? Not by a long shot. Read more

Ty Burr, Boston Globe: If you must see Clash of the Titans, be sure to see it in glorious 2-D. Read more

Cliff Doerksen, Chicago Reader: This remake is interesting mainly for the chance to see top-flight acting talent labor over dialogue so leaden you could cast bullets from it. Read more

Amy Biancolli, Houston Chronicle: There's not a lot of humor in this new Clash -- not intentional, anyway. Read more

Peter Rainer, Christian Science Monitor: The clashing titans in Clash of the Titans are a pretty sorry lot. Read more

Chris Vognar, Dallas Morning News: This Clash of the Titans isn't bad. It's just not particularly necessary. Read more

Lisa Kennedy, Denver Post: It doesn't soar (though Pegasus the winged horse is captivating). Read more

Tom Long, Detroit News: Apparently the gods need better agents. Read more

Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly: The new Clash isn't a cynical rehash. It has the flavor of a certain pre-CGI innocence. Read more

Laremy Legel, If you're into Greek mythos, or action, or slightly cheesy (but knowing) humor, then this should prove an adequate source of entertainment. Read more

Nick Pinkerton, L.A. Weekly: This Clash provides frequent occasion for awe. Read more

Rene Rodriguez, Miami Herald: Although purists will always prefer the original picture, this remake really does justify its existence. How often can you say that? Read more

Jake Coyle, Associated Press: The whole thing feels like a joyless slog. Read more

Anthony Lane, New Yorker: On July 10th, it will be released on Playstation 3 and Xbox 360, and only then, I feel, will it truly come into its own. Read more

Stephen Whitty, Newark Star-Ledger: This was an epic made for Sam of Worthington, and Ralph of Fiennes, and Liam of Pay Me Now. And it would be full of tricks made by machine, and talk made by fools, and pictures of three dimensions that seemed merely like the View-Masters of old. Read more

Bob Mondello, NPR: The remake out this weekend largely does away with the stately Titans stuff, in favor of more clashing. Read more

Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News: The 3-D technology tacked onto Clash of the Titans is like the coins put on the eyes of the dead for Charon, the Stygian ferryman. It's bribery to accept a lifeless lump. Read more

Kyle Smith, New York Post: A roaring old-school action adventure for kids, with as many mythical beasts as a year at Hogwarts and a healthy dose of smiting without the crazed bloodlust of 300. Read more

Steven Rea, Philadelphia Inquirer: Clash of the Titans is ancient Greece at its cheesiest. Read more

James Berardinelli, ReelViews: Clash of the Titans is a flawed but mildly entertaining regurgitation of Greek mythological elements, but it's also an example of how poorly executed 3D can hamstring a would-be spectacle. Read more

Richard Roeper, Richard Goofball clash with the actors providing plenty of ham to go with the cheesy story. Read more

Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times: I don't say it's good cinema, although I recognize the craftsmanship that went into it. I don't say it's good acting, when the men have so much facial hair they all look like Liam Neeson. I like the energy, the imagination, the silliness. Read more

Peter Travers, Rolling Stone: The film is a sham, with good actors going for the paycheck and using beards and heavy makeup to hide their shame. Read more

Dana Stevens, Slate: Avatar has taken a lot of heat for being weak on story and overly reliant on visual effects, but compared with this witless, chaotic mess of a movie, James Cameron's epic looks worthy of the ancient Greek authors... Read more

Colin Covert, Minneapolis Star Tribune: At the moment when Sam Worthington, trapped inside a giant scorpion, sword-hacked his way through the dorsal carapace and poked the upper half of his body through the opening as if it were a sunroof, I fell in love with Clash of the Titans. Read more

Joe Williams, St. Louis Post-Dispatch: Somehow, a promising popcorn movie got abducted by the God of Boredom. Read more

Liam Lacey, Globe and Mail: There's little here to improve upon the stilted quality of the original, and it's even more cumbersomely plotted. Read more

Peter Howell, Toronto Star: It's one supremely silly movie, but it's also a Razzies-ready hoot. Read more

Richard Corliss, TIME Magazine: I liked it. This is a full-throttle action-adventure, played unapologetically straight. Read more

Tom Huddleston, Time Out: Whatever the flaws in the script, there's no faulting director Louis Leterrier's visual ambition: this is a film of mighty vistas, beautifully designed beasts and intense, well-structured combat sequences... Read more

Claudia Puig, USA Today: Overall, it's a colossal waste of time. Read more

Brian Lowry, Variety: Even more haphazardly plotted than the original, Clash of the Titans boasts 3D imagery and kinetic action that can't obscure a movie that is, finally, pretty flat. Read more

Dan Kois, Washington Post: The latest example of Hollywood's belief that any terrible script can be made palatable if you just throw enough money and British accents at it. Read more