At a St. Petersburg boarding school, a new life began for the ten-year-old Alyosha, who was accustomed parental attention. Missing his home, Alyosha created an imaginary magic world of underground dwellers, with a king and his subjects who very much resembled the people surrounding the boy. Alyosha experienced many interesting adventures in this mysterious fairy tale...

Directed by: Viktor Gres
Written by: Timur Zulfikarov
Release date: 1981-08-26
Runtime: 73 minutes
Vitali Sidletsky Vitali Sidletsky
Alyosha Lanskoy 
Albert Filozov Albert Filozov
Ivan Karlovich 
Vladimir Kashpur Vladimir Kashpur
Valentin Gaft Valentin Gaft
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Also known as:
  • The Black Hen, or Living Underground
  • Чорна курка, або Підземні жителі
  • Czarna kura
  • Czarna kura, lub mieszkańcy podziemia