A tricky out-of-area mission for Peter Lohmeyer alias Chief Inspector Jan Fabel in his fourth case: in the hustle and bustle of Cologne Carnival, of all things, the introverted hamburger has to chase a serial killer and stop a colleague from going it alone. Lisa Maria Potthoff plays the policewoman Maria, whose traumatic experience turns into a blind thirst for vengeance, Stipe Erceg can be seen in the role of the burned-out top chef and Murathan Muslu as a macho criminal. The lost souls are what make this bestseller film adaptation by the author Craig Russell, which is extremely exciting right up to the last second.

Directed by: Nicolai Rohde
Written by: Nils-Morten Osburg
Release date: 2018-05-21
Runtime: 85 minutes
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